
Monday, August 30, 2010

Star craft 2

Well I bought starcraft2 not too long ago. Have to say, for playing the original and Broodwar for 12 years running I am still a bit disappointed. The campaign felt very close to the actual game as far as units and game-play were concerned. Not to mention the way the plot developed from the original was very cool and refreshing. Although some of the side missions were pretty sketchy, (go fight for an insane dude and release everyone on a prison planet...brilliant stratagem Raynor), it was truly enjoyable.

As for paying for the next 2 "expansions" to the game... well....protoss and zerg not having a campaign written into Wings of Liberty is a low blow to the wallet for most people, and a legitimate complaint.

Now here comes my rage saved esp. for multi-player. Where in the hell did half the units go? Staple units such as firebats, medics, goliaths, wraiths, (deconstructed into vikings and banshees somewhat), lurkers, defilers, goons, dark archons....the list goes on. How in a theater of war can an intelligent unlearn how to do some awesome things? Its like giving someone an awesome gun then saying its obsolete and giving them a club blizzard?

Anywho, the game runs kinda meh for those who like money maps, everything else ranked wise is match making which I am no fan of either.
It seems to me Blizzard just jumped on the idiot proof wagon trying to make the masses happy although they have done fine with WoW so it makes sense.


  1. I was thinking of getting StarCraft for a little while, so thanks for the info.

  2. Blizzard wanted each unit to have a specialized role, hence the removal of a lot of the units you've listed which were either very niche, or versatile. Granted I really miss lurkers, and wraiths for they were some of my favourite units from BW.

    They wanted all units to be used in the game, and by doing so all units serve their purposes, excluding roaches in my opinion.

    Sc2 is a good game but it's still very unbalanced, if you read my blog you'll get an idea of some of the issues at hand.

  3. How different is sc2 from brood war aside from the graphics? I haven't been able to play it yet.

    Feel free to give me a guest pass :p.
